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Production Schedule: 


  • 2 issues per year: on September 15th and January 15th (usually includes 4-5 critical essay, 2-4 reviews, interviews, or photo essays, with original photos and artwork)  â€‹


  • We welcome writing contributions that are critical and analytical, and aim to make the fashion industry more ethical and sustainable! We also welcome original artwork, close-ups of fabrics or fashion items for background and layout, photos from events such as Fashion Week, Pride, etc. ​​ 


Guidelines for Articles:


  • Shorten your essay to 5-6 pages max. (14400 signs) and make sure your references are with bracket citations, including (author last name, year: page numbers) and your bibliography is in APA style


  • Edit your submission yourself first, using our Editing Tips (developed by K. Sark and R. Chantree) 


  • Put your images where you want them in the text and add captions with the following info: Fig. 1: Photo title, photographer name, year


  • Send your article as a Google doc our editing team to edit (use either word or google docs, not pdf!)


  • Once you receive the edits back, make changes and the final touches 


  • Editorial teams will take a final look again, and then Emilie and Bjørn do their magic with the magazine layout (and may have additional comments, and requests)  


Guidelines for Reviews: 


  • Review pieces are shorter than essays, about 500 words max. and can be reviews of fashion events, films, documentaries, books, exhibitions, etc. 


  • We also accept interviews and profile pieces that focus on sustainability, non-binary fashion, inclusion, diversity, and decolonization 


  • To uphold academic and journalistic integrity, we do not publish personal opinion pieces or promotional copy for brands or product endorsement


  • Use our template for writing reviews 


Guidelines for Blog Posts:


  • All posts must be related to our subjects - you can still post about a brand, runway, collection but from a critical perspective including gender, identity, diversity, race, sustainability etc. All posts should be relevant and new


  • Include keywords on your article is about and a clear title (no cryptic titles)​


  • Include pictures with detailed captions


  • The length of your post should be around one page (500 words / 2400 signs)​​​


  • At the end of your blogpost, provide take-aways for your reader


  • After your post is up, help promote it on social media​


  • Post on the weekend - Saturday is ideal (then people have the time to read over the weekend, while the post is still new/fresh) 


Guidelines for All Submissions: 


  • When you use abbreviations like SDG for the first time in a text, you always need to spell it out for the reader so there is no confusion and put the abbreviation in brackets after


  • All titles of magazines, books, websites, newspapers need to be italicized


  • All punctuation (periods, commas, question marks, semi-colons, etc.) need to be inside quotations, and before footnotes.


  • Be consistent on what words, names, titles you capitalize and which ones you don't - you can't go back and forth, it confuses the reader (West, Western, Transparency Index, COVID-19, etc.) 


  • Use the UK/Canadian spelling of colour, favour, labour etc. 


  • Check your possessives and apostrophes: academic's (singular), academics' (plural); brand's (singular), brands' (plural)


  • Also, no contractions in formal writing "don't" has to be "do not" etc.


Guidelines for Photos and Artwork:


  • Take good quality photos and edit them if needed 


  • Label them as following: Fig. 1: Photo title, photographer name, year (place, and any other info)


  • If using images that are not our own (from Pixelbay, friends, or anywhere else) always ask for permissions, and add "used with permission by..." after the photo caption to make it clear that it is not one of our photos but that we checked about copyright


Guidelines for Formatting and Layout: 


  • Quotes/sentences that need to be highlighted, should be in brackets and preferably with a colour so they are easy to find - the colour is indifferent and with centring)​


  • Sub-heading (sub-headlines are marked in bold / BOLD AND CAPS-LOCKS​


  • Source references 12346 in the text must be made in another colour​


  • Make 3-5 keywords about your article and place them after the article and make them bold​​



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